Form Submitted Successfully!
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and your journey to newsletter-y goodness has begun! Clicking submit was your first step! It’s not quite done yet, though!
Go to your email and open the confirmation e-mail you will have received. Remember, it might have ended up in your Junk/SPAM or in your Promotions Tab, depending on how territorial and protective your email provider is.
Open that email and click the link inside and you’ll be truly on your way (and officially double-opt-in subscribed!)
Want to make sure you never miss an email?
Add the newsletter email to your email provider’s whitelist! How you do this varies from provider to provider, but there will almost certainly be a tutorial somewhere that can show you how! I’ll even link a few of the more common ones for you, below!
A good starter guide can be found here:
Or you can try the instructions listed on this site:
Finally, this one is very comprehensive, but might require a bit more time invested:
Talk to you soon!